Beyond the Classroom

At Eagle Academy, we understand the fundamental importance for students to learn, and connect, in settings outside the four walls of the classroom. We encourage our student body to expand their knowledge, grow in their relationships, and create memorable experiences in the following ways:

  • Rally—a 30-minute team-building and leadership training session for all students: Each Tuesday, students rally around the Eagle Academy Vision, while receiving leadership training founded on biblical truths. As we are “Preparing our youth to soar,” we encourage students to grow in their relationships with Jesus, their families, and the communities by which they are surrounded. This is accomplished through Bible study, group discussion, hands-on activities, and occasionally, a game or fun challenge. Our Eagle Academy mascot, Oswald the Bald, is known to make appearances during Rally time. 
  • Field Trips: Eagle Academy-sponsored field trips provide an opportunity for the entire student body to connect outside the classroom. Some of the trips will be open to the entire family, and some will be open to students only, affording them an opportunity to build strong friendships under structured supervision. 
  • Class Outings: In order to expand students’ knowledge with hands-on experiences, instructors have the option of bringing their class together outside the classroom. These outings are optional, and will not affect the student’s overall grade. The likelihood of them occurring will vary from year to year, and is determined by the subject material and instructor. 
  • Family Events: Twice a year, the extended Eagle family, including students, parents, and siblings, gather together for a time of fellowship and connection outside of Eagle class days.